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United Plugins FirePresser currently free

Blend seamlessly between four compressor models

United Plugins FirePresser analogue compressor emulation serial routing X/Y mix blend plug-in

United Plugins have announced that FirePresser, a plug-in which allows users to blend seamlessly between four emulations of iconic vintage compressors, is currently free for a limited time.

The centre of FirePresser’s GUI is occupied by an X/Y pad which provides access to Stress, Varimu, 76 and DB160 compressor models. The process of mixing between the models is carried out by moving a dot within the pad: placing the dot fully into a corner will route the incoming signal through a single model, whilst moving the dot along the X and Y axes allows users to achieve any combination of models, with a set of four meters providing a visual indication of how much processing is being carried out by each of them. In addition to control over the level entering each compressor, it is also possible to set the order of the models in the signal chain by reordering the name tags that appear underneath the X/Y pad.

United Plugins FirePresser GUI X/Y pad compression mix controlAny mix of the four compressor models can be achieved using FirePressers X/Y pad.Parameters for all of the compressor models are linked, and can be controlled via a Detector section placed at the bottom right of the GUI. Adjustment of attack and release times is possible, and the section also offers both low- and high-pass filters which allow users to define a cutoff point for the compressor’s processing. The former offers an adjustable range of 100Hz to 20kHz, whilst the latter can be set anywhere between 20Hz and 1kHz. A Link parameter provides variable control over the amount of compression applied to each channel in a stereo signal, with a setting of 0% allowing each channel to be compressed separately, and a setting of 100% applying identical processing to each side.

A Turbo control provides a more heavy-handed approach to processing, offering a more obvious sound by increasing both the input gain and amount of compression applied, and those who are after yet more character can apply some analogue-style overdrive using a Saturator dial. Signal level throughout the plug-in can be adjusted using a pair of input and output faders, each of which are joined by a large level meter to provide a visual representation of the signal’s level at each stage, and users are able to dial in parallel compression directly within the plug-in thanks to the inclusion of a dry/wet mix control.


FirePresser is supported on PCs running Windows 8 and above, and Macs running macOS versions 10.10 to 12. It is available in VST, VST3, AU and AAX plug-in formats.

Pricing & Availability

FirePresser is available now, and is being offered for free between 3 and 16 April 2023. It is usually priced at €99.

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